Greg and Baker, the real deal
"In this view of marriage, each person says to the other, 'I see all your flaws, imperfections, weaknesses, dependencies. But underneath them all I see growing the person God wants you to be.'"
- Tim Keller, The Meaning of Marriage
Hey sweet people! Friday I got to be a small part of an engagement of a great friend of mine. I met Greg and Baker separately, but both at Starbucks, but when I realized they were together I said to myself, "Oh, that makes sense!" They overflow with love for their God, each other, and other people. They are people who you want on your team, and over the last couple of years they have grown into that for me.
"Love has its own purposes. And those purposes involve nothing short of a worldwide revolution: a revolution in which everything in sight with be turned into pure love."
- Mike Mason, The Mystery of Marriage
These two leak love everywhere. People who know them leave encouraged and better having been with them. Their marriage is going to keep reflecting and growing in that way. Honored to be a part of the story these two are living. They are the real deal, people.
Enjoy this emotional moment with them. And be excited and encouraged for the commitment ahead!